
We'll be adding new items to our Resources section frequently, including Articles, Tips & Tricks, and more, so check back regularly to see what's new.


In this section you'll find advice on improving time management, managing paper and information, improving productivity, getting organised, managing your working environment and reducing stress.

>> Information

Quotable Quotes

Quotes can be many things... thought-provoking, inspiring, amusing... but what they all have in common is that they 'say it all' in just a few words.

Find your favourite in our selection of quotes about time, computers & information, stress, and being organised.

>> Quotable Quotes

Facts About Paper

The documentation for a Boeing 747 weighs more than the plane itself.

Despite visions of a paperless office, 80-90% of all information in the average office is still maintained on paper.

>> Facts About Paper

'Thy Name Is Clutter'

A short, amusing piece about clutter that describes some of the frustrations of trying to keep it under control.

>> 'Thy Name Is Clutter'

See Also Quotable Quotes

The work will wait while you watch the rainbow, the rainbow won't wait while you work.

- Dr Paul Pearsall, 'Toxic Success'

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